Rank 1 HCIM
Hello and welcome to my 'Fastest Way to Get All Skills 99' Guide
Hope you Enjoy!! Feel free to comment below if you have a faster method and ill update the guide and give you credits.
When I say on 4x xp that means using an xp scroll on double xp weekend.
Use Ctrl+F keys and type the skill you want to level to get directed straight there
On 4x XP
Fastest Method:
1-99 Afk Sandcrabs using best in slot gear you can
How To Get There:
Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Basic > Sand Crabs
On 4x XP
Fastest Method:
1-99 Afk Sandcrabs using bis gear you have, for weapon though use iron/rune knives
How To Get There:
Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Basic > Sand Crabs
On 4x XP
Fastest Method:
1-99 Summon Ensouled Dragons at Dark Altar
How To Get There:
Alternative Method:
On 4x XP
1-99 Use the highest tier bone you can get on wilderness altar or someone's gilded altar in their POH (If im online feel free to pm me and I can let you use my alts 'Augment1234')
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-21 Wind/Fire Strike sand crabs
21-55 Low Alch Anything you want in level 2 wilderness for bonus xp or in wilderness resource area for even more bonus xp
55-70 High Alch Anything you want in level 2 wilderness for bonus xp or in wilderness resource area for even more bonus xp
70-94 Ice Burst splash skeletons east of green dragons
94-99 Ice Barrage splash skeletons east of green dragons
How To Get There:
For sand crabs, Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Basic > Sand Crabs
For skeletons
Alternative Methods Non Wilderness:
1-21 Wind/Fire strike sand Crabs
21-55 Low Alch Anything you want in level 2 wilderness for bonus xp or in wilderness resource area for even more bonus xp
55-70 High Alch Anything you want in level 2 wilderness for bonus xp or in wilderness resource area for even more bonus xp
70-94 Ice Burst pretty much any mob you can in catacombs of kourend i prefer dust devils though provided you have the required slayer level for it
94-99 Ice Barrage same thing as above but just use barrage
How To Get There:
For sand crabs, Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Basic > Sand Crabs
For catacombs of kourend, Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Advanced > Catacombs of Kourend
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-40 Make the Highest rune you can using the 'Teleport' option at Mage Of Zamorak
40-77 Make Astral Runes
77-90 Make Blood Runes
90-99 Make Soul Runes
How To Get There:
For Mage Of Zamorak,
For Astral Runes, Teleport Wizard > General > Cities > Lunar Isle > Run NE a bit
For Blood Runes and Soul Runes
Fastest Method:
On 4x Xp
1-33 Crude Wooden Chairs
33-52 Oak Larders
52-80 Mahogany Tables
80-99 Scrying Pools
How To Get There:
Buy A house and enter build mode, Crude wooden chairs are in Parlour Room, Oak Larders are in the Kitchen Room, Mahogany Tables are in Dining room and Scrying Pools are in Portal Chamber Room
Note: I know this shows a slayer symbol but in our server this is where you buy your house and edit it
Fastest Method:
There's really no 'fastest method' for this you'll eventually get this 99 whilst training cb stats but i mean i guess bursting things would probably be fastest
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-10 Gnome Stronghold Course
10-20 Draynor Rooftop
20-30 Al-Kharid Rooftop
30-40 Varrock Rooftop
40-50 Canifis Rooftop
50-52 Falador Rooftop
52-99 Wilderness Agility Course
How To Get There:
Gnome Stronghold, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Gnome Stronghold Course
Draynor Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Draynor Rooftop Course
Al-Kharid Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Al-Kharid Rooftop Course
Varrock Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Varrock Rooftop Course
Canifis Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Canifis Rooftop Course
Falador Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Falador Rooftop Course
Wilderness Agility Course, ::mb > Pull lever and run there
Alternative Methods:
1-10 Gnome Stronghold Course
10-20 Draynor Rooftop
20-30 Al-Kharid Rooftop
30-40 Varrock Rooftop
40-50 Canifis Rooftop
50-60 Falador Rooftop
60-80 Seer's Rooftop
80-90 Relleka's Rooftop
90-99 Ardougne Rooftop
How To Get There:
Gnome Stronghold, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Gnome Stronghold Course
Draynor Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Draynor Rooftop Course
Al-Kharid Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Al-Kharid Rooftop Course
Varrock Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Varrock Rooftop Course
Canifis Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Canifis Rooftop Course
Falador Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Falador Rooftop Course
Seer's Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Seer's Rooftop Course
Relleka's Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Relleka's Rooftop Course
Ardougne Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Ardougne Rooftop Course
Fastest Method:
On 4x Xp
Note: You can buy all the supplies needed to make the potions from Sigmund
1-3 Clean Guams
3-38 Attack Potions
38-45 Prayer Potions
45-55 Super Attack Potions
55-66 Super Strength
66-73 Super Defence
73-81 Weapon Poison
81-99 Saradomin Brew
Alternative Method:
1-3 Clean Guams
3-38 Attack Potions
38-45 Prayer Potions
45-55 Super Attack Potions
55-66 Super Strength
66-73 Super Defence
73-99 Weapon Poison
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-40 Pickpocket Man
40-55 Pickpocket Guards
55-70 Pickpocket Knights
70-80 Pickpocket Paladins
80-99 Pickpocket Heroes
How To Get There:
Men, at ::home south of shops
Guards, Knights, Paladins, Heroes, Teleport Wizard > General > Cities > Ardougne (they're all around the area)
Better Method For Ironmans:
1-40 Pickpocket Man
40-55 Pickpocket Guards
55-70 Pickpocket Knights
70-75 Pickpocket Paladins
75-99 Pickpocket Gnomes (reason is you get a load of high end seeds needed for farming 100% worth)
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-99 Super glass make buckets of sand (Need level 77 magic for the lunar spell)
Note: For fastest xp/hr make an inventory with required runes and buckets of sand for rest of slot and make that the first preset slot then in the autochat settings type :reset 8 and just spam click the spell
Buy buckets of sand from Charter in port sarim Teleport Wizard > General > Cities > Port Sarim > Run to most southern dock
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-10 Arrow Shafts In Wilderness Resource Area
10-22 Bronze Darts In Wilderness Resource Area
22-52 Iron Darts In Wilderness Resource Area
52-67 Mithril Darts In Wilderness Resource Area
67-81 Adamant Darts In Wilderness Resource Area
81-99 Rune Darts In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Method:
1-10 Arrow Shafts
10-22 Bronze Darts
22-52 Iron Darts
52-55 Mithril Darts
55-99 Broad Bolts
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-65 Bursting Dagganoth (Hard Task, might be able to get them from medium and easy though)
65-80 Bursting Dust Devils (Hard Task)
80-99 Bursting Greater Nechryaels (Hard Task)
How To Get There:
All these monsters can be found in Catacombs of Kourend, Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Advanced > Catacombs of Kourend
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-19 Crimson Swifts (Bird Snare Needed)
19-67 Tropical Wagtails (Bird Snare Needed)
67-99 Black Salamanders (Rope And Small Net Needed)
How To Get There:
Crimson Swifts, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > Feldip Hills
Tropical Wagtails, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > Jungle Hunting
Black Salamanders, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > (Wilderness) Hill Giants (Black Salamanders)
Alternative Methods:
1-19 Crimson Swifts (Bird Snare Needed)
19-63 Tropical Wagtails (Bird Snare Needed)
63-99 Red Chinchompas (Box Trap Needed)
How To Get There:
Crimson Swifts, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > Feldip Hills
Tropical Wagtails, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > Jungle Hunting
Red Chinchompas, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > Jungle Hunting
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-15 Copper Ore
15-40 Iron Ore
40-99 Gold Ore In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Copper and Iron Ore, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Mining > Dwarven Mine
Gold Ore, Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Methods:
1-15 Copper Ore
15-30 Iron Ore
30-99 Motherload Mine
How To Get There:
Motherload Mine, Teleport Wizard > Minigames > Motherload Mine
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-18 Bronze Bars In Wilderness Resource Area
18-33 Bronze Platebody's In Wilderness Resource Area
33-40 Iron Platbody's In Wilderness Resource Area
40-99 Gold Bars In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Methods:
1-18 Bronze Bars
18-33 Bronze Platebody's
33-40 Iron Platbody's
40-99 Gold Bars at home though
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-30 Raw Shrimps
30-40 Raw Salmon
40-62 Raw Lobster
62-85 Raw Monkfish
85-99 Raw Dark Crabs In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Shrimps and Lobster, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Fishing > Catherby Shores
Salmon, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Fishing > Barbarian Village
Monkfish, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Fishing > Piscatoris Fishing Colony, Run North
Dark Crabs in Wilderness Resource Area, Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Methods:
1-30 Raw Shrimps
30-40 Raw Salmon
40-62 Raw Lobster
62-99 Raw Monkfish
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-30 Raw Shrimps In Wilderness Resource Area
30-40 Raw Salmon In Wilderness Resource Area
40-62 Raw Lobster In Wilderness Resource Area
62-85 Raw Monkfish In Wilderness Resource Area
85-99 Raw Dark Crabs In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Method:
1-30 Raw Shrimps
30-40 Raw Salmon
40-62 Raw Lobster
62-85 Raw Monkfish
85-99 Raw Dark Crabs
Cook them at Rogues den so you don't have to move 1 tile
How To Get There:
Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Thieving > Rogue's Den
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
Wintertodt will be faster if you have enough people to do it need about 5 people
Using infernal axe while chopping trees will get you loads of firemaking xp while wc'ing
1-15 Regular Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
15-30 Oak Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
30-45 Willow Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
45-60 Maple Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
60-75 Yew Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
75-99 Magic Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Methods:
Same As above but do it either level 2 wildy for a slight bonus xp drop or just do it in Varrock
How To Get There:
Wilderness Level 2, Go hop over wilderness line at edge and go to level 2
Varrock, Teleport Wizard > General >Cities > Varrock
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
Using infernal axe while chopping trees will get you loads of firemaking xp while wc'ing
1-15 Regular Trees
15-30 Oak Trees
30-45 Willow Trees
45-60 Maple Trees
60-75 Yew Trees In Wilderness Resource Area
75-99 Magic Trees In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Regular Trees and Oak Trees, Maple Trees Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Seer's Village Rooftop Course
Willow Trees, Teleport Wizard > General >Cities > Draynor Village
Yew and Magic Trees, Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Methods:
1-15 Regular Trees
15-30 Oak Trees
30-45 Willow Trees
45-60 Maple Trees
60-75 Yew Trees
75-99 Magic Trees
How To Get There:
Regular Trees and Oak Trees, Maple Trees Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Seer's Village Rooftop Course
Willow Trees, Teleport Wizard > Cities > Draynor Village
Yew and Magic Trees, Teleport Wizard > General > Cities > Guilds > Woodcutting Guild
Hope you Enjoy!! Feel free to comment below if you have a faster method and ill update the guide and give you credits.
When I say on 4x xp that means using an xp scroll on double xp weekend.
Use Ctrl+F keys and type the skill you want to level to get directed straight there
On 4x XP
Fastest Method:
1-99 Afk Sandcrabs using best in slot gear you can
How To Get There:
Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Basic > Sand Crabs
On 4x XP
Fastest Method:
1-99 Afk Sandcrabs using bis gear you have, for weapon though use iron/rune knives
How To Get There:
Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Basic > Sand Crabs
On 4x XP
Fastest Method:
1-99 Summon Ensouled Dragons at Dark Altar
How To Get There:
Alternative Method:
On 4x XP
1-99 Use the highest tier bone you can get on wilderness altar or someone's gilded altar in their POH (If im online feel free to pm me and I can let you use my alts 'Augment1234')
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-21 Wind/Fire Strike sand crabs
21-55 Low Alch Anything you want in level 2 wilderness for bonus xp or in wilderness resource area for even more bonus xp
55-70 High Alch Anything you want in level 2 wilderness for bonus xp or in wilderness resource area for even more bonus xp
70-94 Ice Burst splash skeletons east of green dragons
94-99 Ice Barrage splash skeletons east of green dragons
How To Get There:
For sand crabs, Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Basic > Sand Crabs
For skeletons
Alternative Methods Non Wilderness:
1-21 Wind/Fire strike sand Crabs
21-55 Low Alch Anything you want in level 2 wilderness for bonus xp or in wilderness resource area for even more bonus xp
55-70 High Alch Anything you want in level 2 wilderness for bonus xp or in wilderness resource area for even more bonus xp
70-94 Ice Burst pretty much any mob you can in catacombs of kourend i prefer dust devils though provided you have the required slayer level for it
94-99 Ice Barrage same thing as above but just use barrage
How To Get There:
For sand crabs, Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Basic > Sand Crabs
For catacombs of kourend, Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Advanced > Catacombs of Kourend
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-40 Make the Highest rune you can using the 'Teleport' option at Mage Of Zamorak
40-77 Make Astral Runes
77-90 Make Blood Runes
90-99 Make Soul Runes
How To Get There:
For Mage Of Zamorak,
For Astral Runes, Teleport Wizard > General > Cities > Lunar Isle > Run NE a bit
For Blood Runes and Soul Runes
Fastest Method:
On 4x Xp
1-33 Crude Wooden Chairs
33-52 Oak Larders
52-80 Mahogany Tables
80-99 Scrying Pools
How To Get There:
Buy A house and enter build mode, Crude wooden chairs are in Parlour Room, Oak Larders are in the Kitchen Room, Mahogany Tables are in Dining room and Scrying Pools are in Portal Chamber Room
Note: I know this shows a slayer symbol but in our server this is where you buy your house and edit it
Fastest Method:
There's really no 'fastest method' for this you'll eventually get this 99 whilst training cb stats but i mean i guess bursting things would probably be fastest
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-10 Gnome Stronghold Course
10-20 Draynor Rooftop
20-30 Al-Kharid Rooftop
30-40 Varrock Rooftop
40-50 Canifis Rooftop
50-52 Falador Rooftop
52-99 Wilderness Agility Course
How To Get There:
Gnome Stronghold, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Gnome Stronghold Course
Draynor Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Draynor Rooftop Course
Al-Kharid Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Al-Kharid Rooftop Course
Varrock Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Varrock Rooftop Course
Canifis Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Canifis Rooftop Course
Falador Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Falador Rooftop Course
Wilderness Agility Course, ::mb > Pull lever and run there
Alternative Methods:
1-10 Gnome Stronghold Course
10-20 Draynor Rooftop
20-30 Al-Kharid Rooftop
30-40 Varrock Rooftop
40-50 Canifis Rooftop
50-60 Falador Rooftop
60-80 Seer's Rooftop
80-90 Relleka's Rooftop
90-99 Ardougne Rooftop
How To Get There:
Gnome Stronghold, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Gnome Stronghold Course
Draynor Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Draynor Rooftop Course
Al-Kharid Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Al-Kharid Rooftop Course
Varrock Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Varrock Rooftop Course
Canifis Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Canifis Rooftop Course
Falador Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Falador Rooftop Course
Seer's Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Seer's Rooftop Course
Relleka's Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Relleka's Rooftop Course
Ardougne Rooftop, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Ardougne Rooftop Course
Fastest Method:
On 4x Xp
Note: You can buy all the supplies needed to make the potions from Sigmund
1-3 Clean Guams
3-38 Attack Potions
38-45 Prayer Potions
45-55 Super Attack Potions
55-66 Super Strength
66-73 Super Defence
73-81 Weapon Poison
81-99 Saradomin Brew
Alternative Method:
1-3 Clean Guams
3-38 Attack Potions
38-45 Prayer Potions
45-55 Super Attack Potions
55-66 Super Strength
66-73 Super Defence
73-99 Weapon Poison
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-40 Pickpocket Man
40-55 Pickpocket Guards
55-70 Pickpocket Knights
70-80 Pickpocket Paladins
80-99 Pickpocket Heroes
How To Get There:
Men, at ::home south of shops
Guards, Knights, Paladins, Heroes, Teleport Wizard > General > Cities > Ardougne (they're all around the area)
Better Method For Ironmans:
1-40 Pickpocket Man
40-55 Pickpocket Guards
55-70 Pickpocket Knights
70-75 Pickpocket Paladins
75-99 Pickpocket Gnomes (reason is you get a load of high end seeds needed for farming 100% worth)
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-99 Super glass make buckets of sand (Need level 77 magic for the lunar spell)
Note: For fastest xp/hr make an inventory with required runes and buckets of sand for rest of slot and make that the first preset slot then in the autochat settings type :reset 8 and just spam click the spell
Buy buckets of sand from Charter in port sarim Teleport Wizard > General > Cities > Port Sarim > Run to most southern dock
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-10 Arrow Shafts In Wilderness Resource Area
10-22 Bronze Darts In Wilderness Resource Area
22-52 Iron Darts In Wilderness Resource Area
52-67 Mithril Darts In Wilderness Resource Area
67-81 Adamant Darts In Wilderness Resource Area
81-99 Rune Darts In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Method:
1-10 Arrow Shafts
10-22 Bronze Darts
22-52 Iron Darts
52-55 Mithril Darts
55-99 Broad Bolts
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-65 Bursting Dagganoth (Hard Task, might be able to get them from medium and easy though)
65-80 Bursting Dust Devils (Hard Task)
80-99 Bursting Greater Nechryaels (Hard Task)
How To Get There:
All these monsters can be found in Catacombs of Kourend, Teleport Wizard > Monsters > Advanced > Catacombs of Kourend
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-19 Crimson Swifts (Bird Snare Needed)
19-67 Tropical Wagtails (Bird Snare Needed)
67-99 Black Salamanders (Rope And Small Net Needed)
How To Get There:
Crimson Swifts, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > Feldip Hills
Tropical Wagtails, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > Jungle Hunting
Black Salamanders, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > (Wilderness) Hill Giants (Black Salamanders)
Alternative Methods:
1-19 Crimson Swifts (Bird Snare Needed)
19-63 Tropical Wagtails (Bird Snare Needed)
63-99 Red Chinchompas (Box Trap Needed)
How To Get There:
Crimson Swifts, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > Feldip Hills
Tropical Wagtails, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > Jungle Hunting
Red Chinchompas, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Hunter > Jungle Hunting
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-15 Copper Ore
15-40 Iron Ore
40-99 Gold Ore In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Copper and Iron Ore, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Mining > Dwarven Mine
Gold Ore, Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Methods:
1-15 Copper Ore
15-30 Iron Ore
30-99 Motherload Mine
How To Get There:
Motherload Mine, Teleport Wizard > Minigames > Motherload Mine
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-18 Bronze Bars In Wilderness Resource Area
18-33 Bronze Platebody's In Wilderness Resource Area
33-40 Iron Platbody's In Wilderness Resource Area
40-99 Gold Bars In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Methods:
1-18 Bronze Bars
18-33 Bronze Platebody's
33-40 Iron Platbody's
40-99 Gold Bars at home though
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-30 Raw Shrimps
30-40 Raw Salmon
40-62 Raw Lobster
62-85 Raw Monkfish
85-99 Raw Dark Crabs In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Shrimps and Lobster, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Fishing > Catherby Shores
Salmon, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Fishing > Barbarian Village
Monkfish, Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Fishing > Piscatoris Fishing Colony, Run North
Dark Crabs in Wilderness Resource Area, Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Methods:
1-30 Raw Shrimps
30-40 Raw Salmon
40-62 Raw Lobster
62-99 Raw Monkfish
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
1-30 Raw Shrimps In Wilderness Resource Area
30-40 Raw Salmon In Wilderness Resource Area
40-62 Raw Lobster In Wilderness Resource Area
62-85 Raw Monkfish In Wilderness Resource Area
85-99 Raw Dark Crabs In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Method:
1-30 Raw Shrimps
30-40 Raw Salmon
40-62 Raw Lobster
62-85 Raw Monkfish
85-99 Raw Dark Crabs
Cook them at Rogues den so you don't have to move 1 tile
How To Get There:
Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Thieving > Rogue's Den
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
Wintertodt will be faster if you have enough people to do it need about 5 people
Using infernal axe while chopping trees will get you loads of firemaking xp while wc'ing
1-15 Regular Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
15-30 Oak Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
30-45 Willow Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
45-60 Maple Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
60-75 Yew Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
75-99 Magic Logs In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Methods:
Same As above but do it either level 2 wildy for a slight bonus xp drop or just do it in Varrock
How To Get There:
Wilderness Level 2, Go hop over wilderness line at edge and go to level 2
Varrock, Teleport Wizard > General >Cities > Varrock
Fastest Method:
On 4x XP
Using infernal axe while chopping trees will get you loads of firemaking xp while wc'ing
1-15 Regular Trees
15-30 Oak Trees
30-45 Willow Trees
45-60 Maple Trees
60-75 Yew Trees In Wilderness Resource Area
75-99 Magic Trees In Wilderness Resource Area
How To Get There:
Regular Trees and Oak Trees, Maple Trees Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Seer's Village Rooftop Course
Willow Trees, Teleport Wizard > General >Cities > Draynor Village
Yew and Magic Trees, Wilderness Resource Area, Pull Lever Behind Edge Bank Run North, Slash Web then go east and pay the guard 500k to get in
Alternative Methods:
1-15 Regular Trees
15-30 Oak Trees
30-45 Willow Trees
45-60 Maple Trees
60-75 Yew Trees
75-99 Magic Trees
How To Get There:
Regular Trees and Oak Trees, Maple Trees Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Agility > Seer's Village Rooftop Course
Willow Trees, Teleport Wizard > Cities > Draynor Village
Yew and Magic Trees, Teleport Wizard > General > Cities > Guilds > Woodcutting Guild
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